Prayr 1.3.3

We dropped a quick little update to ensure compatibility with the latest versions of Android.

Simplomacy Dev Blog #10

Hey, future world leaders! Since the last dev blog, we've announced that we will be releasing Simplomacy as an open beta so we can actively develop it alongside your feedback,…

Simplomacy Dev Blog #9

Hi, future world leaders! Since the last dev blog, we've now moved into version 0.2.2. To help further our communications with you, we've opened an official Discord server which you…

Simplomacy Dev Blog #8

Hi, future world leaders! Since the last dev blog, we've now moved into version 0.2.1. To help further our communications with you, we've opened an official Discord server which you…

Simplomacy Dev Blog #7

Hi, future world leaders! Since the last dev blog, we've now moved into version 0.2.0. To help further our communications with you, we've opened an official Discord server which you…